Monday, April 5, 2010

Remote Desktop connecting software

Hi everyone, I pretty much definite that some of you would have faced a situation in explaining things to your parents on a computer when your away from home. You will be explaining things to them on the phone on how to use or where to click on the screen, imagining of what they may be seeing on the screen.
I had this big problem when I came to US and and my dad wanted to see on the webcam and unfortunately he did not know how to use a computer at that time and I had a pretty hard time to make him see me on the screen. The same was the seen whenever I wanted them to install a software or do something with the internet.
I looked for options of solving this problem and fortunately I had a solution.
A remote desktop connecting software. I initially thought this kind of softwares are available for only enterprise companies but I was wrong. This made my life easy in communicating with my home now.
Ok. I wanted to tell you the software now. It is TeamViewer.
Many of you may be already using it, but I wanted to put it on my blog to help others if they does not know already. 

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